Hello one and all. I was finally able to get Tyler to tell the details of the Christmas party. It will be on Friday December 14th at 6:30 at this house. If you need directions please let me or Tyler know. Climbing shoes are mandatory as well as a food item and a white elephant gift. Hope to see you all there. (If you look closely in this picture you will notice Tyler's secret love of short shorts.)
Kyle, thanks for setting this up. I love it! We will try to send something worthy to post tof the Draper Boys Blog. It's great to see the pics of everyone. ( :
Kyle, Hi this is Aleena Steed. I blog stalked your blog from melynn and spencer. I am wondering if you want to be involved in planning the 10 year reunion? I have been able to contact everyone and now I have found you! Where are you living? what are you doing? I hope you are doing well.
Anyway, I have set up a blog for our class reunion,
altaclass200.blogspot.com. If you are interested in helping let me know, even if you don't I would love to hear from you. aleenahill@gmail.com. I hope to hear from you soon!
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